For a lot of us teenagers November = mock exams and mock exams = panic, if you're like me you're probably panicking so much you could cry so here's some ideas to get through your mocks.
If you would like to read EXAMS? PT 2 here is the lovely link EXAMS? PT 2
If you would like to read EXAMS? PT 3 here is the lovely link EXAMS? PT 3
revision is the most important step to mock exams, so make sure you do plenty.
How to revise;
- Mind maps
- Post it notes
- Guidence sheets
- Colour code revision sheets/books
Trust me, if you revise the day of your exam you will see something you don't know and start to panic and you'll forget what you already know. Finish revising the day before the exam?
Make sure you have the correct equiptment, if you don't you'll also panic. Everything is just to make you panic!
Double check what you need for you exams and ask your teachers and friends, if you have all you need it will be easy!
Asking your friends how much revision they have done can either be a good thing or a bad thing.
- if your friend has done less revision than you, you'll feel better and feel you have all the information and have done the most revision you can.
- if your has done more revision you'll panic that you haven't done enough and you'll try to squeeze in revision and forget what you already know.
It's best to do your own revision, you know how much you'll need to do.
4) DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!
Practically everything about exams will worry you wether you have done enough or not enough revision. Wether you have the correct equiptment or not. If you had the correct breakfast or not, if you go the the right place or not.
Honestly everything will panic you, so don't panic as hard as it sounds.
Believe in yourself, tell yourself that you will pass your exams, tell yourself you have done enough revision. Tell yourself you'll get the best grade and you will do well.
Good luck to all of you doing your mock exams in November or real exams in the summer, you have nothing to worry about!
-xo Gee
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