Monday, 17 November 2014


There are more detailed hints and tips that will help you along the way of your mock exams or your real exams, the exact equipment, how much sleep you should be getting, what you should be doing in the hours or minuets leading up to your exams and more...
If you would like to read EXAMS? PT1 here is the lovely link EXAMS?
If you would like to ream EXAMS? PT 3 here is the lovely link EXAMS? PT 3

Most teachers just tell you "Bring the correct equipment which leaves you wondering, what is the correct equipment?
- At least 4 pencils, already sharpened before you go into the exam. Don't bother with a pencil sharpener in the exam, it will just waste time.
- At least 4 pens, therefore you will have enough for if one runs out but always make sure after every sing exam to check they all still work!
- At least 2 highlighters, these will help you in your exam to highlight and make stand out the important information the question is asking you.
- 1 ruler, you can take more if you want but you will only ever need one ruler, make sure it has all the measurements on and isn't broken otherwise it won't be much help in the exam.
- 1 rubber, make sure it's a clean rubber or a new rubber, if it's old that you've just pulled out of you pencil case it could have ink on and smudge across your exam paper.
You shouldn't need a rubber as many examiners like you to just cross mistakes out, but if it's a paper such as a math paper drawing on a diagram you may need a rubber but DON'T RUB OUT YOUR WORKING OUT, even if it's wrong you can still get marks.
- 1 Scientific calculator, you only need this for science papers, and the math CALCULATOR ALOUD paper, check before the exam if you need it.
- Math kit containing, a protractor/angle measurer, a compass with a pencil that fits and a ruler.

You need to get atleast 8 hours sleep the night before your exam DO NOT STAY UP LATE. You don't want to be tired in your exam other wise your brain won't be functioning properly and you won't be able to concentrate on your paper.

Arrive in plenty of time
You need to arrive in plenty of time so you are not late to you exam, if you are late you might not be aloud to do the exam therefore you might not get a grade mark.
Some exams also ask students to arrive earlier to find out where they will be sitting in the exam.

Make sure you have breakfast the day of your exam and make sure you have a healthy breakfast, with NO SUGAR OR CAFFEINE! Sugar and caffeine can make you hyper and you won't be able to concentrate in your exam and won't do as best as you possibly can
Make sure you have plenty of fluids but go to the toilet before your exam! Dehydrated brains don't think clearly!!

Think positive
"If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't!" - Henry Ford
Thinking negative believe it or not can have an impact on how you do in the exam, tell yourself you are going to do great and you are going to get a good grade and you will.

Good luck to all of you doing mock exams in November or real exams in the summer, you have nothing to worry about!
-xo Gee

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